What are Cooling Tower Solutions?

A cooling tower refers to a specialised heat exchanger in which the air and water are brought into direct contact with one another with the motive of reducing the temperature of water. When this process takes place, a small volume of water gets evaporated which in-turn reduces the temperature of the water being circulated through the tower. Industrial processes or air-conditioning condenser tends to heat up the temperature of water. The water, in order to cool down, is then pumped to the cooling towers through pipes. The water sprays through the pipes in the banks of a material called "fills" that slows down the flow of water through the cooling towers and tries to expose the surface of the water to the air for further process of decreasing the water temperature. The water, after it cools down, is pumped back to the condenser or process equipment where it absorbs heat. The process is very essential for the industries and equipment since, without ...